Sharpshooter Dice Control Proper Grips

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Editor's Note: This article will be published in the new book by Sharpshooter and Jerry Patterson: Winning Dice Control Techniques – Shooting Craps from the Zone. To review more articlesJerry Patterson is an internationally known gaming author, player, and instructor and has written five gambling books. The two most popular are 'Casino Gambling: A Winner’s Guide to Blackjack, Craps, Roulette, Baccarat and Casino Poker 'and 'Blackjack: A Winner’s Handbook.' Jerry's website is from this new book, visit

If the dice are bouncing sideways, away from each other without crossing after the initial bounce, you have a small split between the dice at the bottom. If the dice cross each other first, and then move away, that would indicate a split at the top. The dice will always bounce AWAY from whatever edge hits the table.

This problem is shown below and is easy to correct just by knowing the “Cause/Effect” relationship with the grip.

The Grip is the most important factor in successful control. Chris Pawlicki, aka Sharpshooter, explains the technique he uses when gripping the dice for the best results. Marvel at the greatest dice controller of all time, the woman known as 'The Arm' in the roaring days of Atlantic City! Meet today's dice control stars: the Dominator, Jerry 'Stickman,' Chris 'Sharpshooter' Pawlicki, Howard 'Rock 'n Roller,' Bill 'Ace-10' Burton, Bob 'Mr. Finesse,' John 'Skinny,' Nick@Night, Billy 'the Kid,' Daryl 'No Field Five. Shooters try for greater and greater levels of on-axis performance because then other things are possible with dice control but a shooter who just has average axis control (and using the Hardway set) is still a controlled shooter if the SRR shows he is.

I have developed the habit of checking to make sure I have not permitted a split to occur in between the dice by initially picking the dice up in the one finger front and maintaining that grip until I have moved everything into the proper throwing position.

After I get everything properly lined up (square to the table and the end wall), I use my index and little finger to very lightly tap against the two outside faces of the dice. This verifies that there is no space between the two die either at top or bottom. I then very lightly lower my index and ring fingers into their proper positions for the 3-finger front and execute the throw.
As your eyes should then be focused upon your target spot on the table, you can easily observe “how they bounce.”

Another cause of yawing dice is not having the dice “square” or parallel to the table bottom when they land. If the dice are cocked very slightly at a right or left angle to the table end, with the right edges fractionally lower than the left (inside) edges when they land, it will be on the lower edge first. The friction caused by the forward momentum of the dice against the felt of the table induces a yaw in the dice (a spinning motion around the vertical axis) in the direction of the low edge.

The picture below shows this problem but slightly exaggerated to make a point (it doesn’t take much of a tilt to create the unwanted outcome):

However, the dice will also react by “running” to the left if landing on the right edge, and to the right if landing on the left edge. They tend to bounce away from the edge that hits the table first.
It is imperative that you ensure that your grip is perfectly “square,” fingers an equal distance down the front edge of the dice (fingertips square), and that the dice are “square” to the end of the table (parallel) and “square” to the felt (parallel to the table’s surface).


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The Discussion of Success Factors 1 and 2 in Part 3 of the PARR Training Manual addresses this problem and presents a solution that will prevent it from recurring. Here is how it looks in the Table of Contents:

Here are some reasons why you should be acquiring the Sharpshooter/PARR Dice Control Course.

Reason 1: There are more Problems/Solutions discussed regarding the Grip and the controlled throw as outlined in the Table of Contents above. .

If you are experiencing any one of these problems, it could be costing you money at the craps tables.

$195 is a very small investment, indeed, to protect you from these possible losses.

You may think you are throwing with an advantage over the casino, but problems, as outlined above, could easily eliminate this edge.

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If you are losing or would like to become a consistent winner, Sharpshooter/PARR will take you into the advantage arena and you will know you have an edge. You will also know when that edge begins to evaporate and how to quickly regain it.

Reason 2: Acquire the Stealth Dice ControlMethod, an easy and quick entry into the Advantage Arena, FOR NO COST.

1. Stealth is a stand-alone winning weapon that requires minimal time to learn and to practice and maintain your skills once learned;

If you are new to craps or dice control, let me assure you that you can do it and you can win.

2. Stealth boosts the performance of any on-axis dice setting and dice control method you may be using now by increasing the number of rolls during your point cycle;

3. With its no-set rhythm roll, Stealth puts you under the casinos’ radar screens.

4. For a limited time only, Stealth can now be acquired for no cost when you purchase the Sharpshooter/PARR Dice Control Course.

For more information, visit

Stealth lists for $95 at, but visitors to receive this winning dice control method free when they order the Sharpshooter/PARR Dice Control Course including Stealth for just $195. This offer is good through April 30.

5. Join the most active network of dice controllers in the country. We have active networks in Atlantic City, Las Vegas, Tunica, Connecticut, Texas/Louisiana and other casino locations – good shooters all.

In my humble opinion, this one benefit is worth much more than your $195 price.

For more information including how to receive a FREE Newsletter & DVD visit

6. Remember there is no risk in this decision as you are protected by a 6-month unconditional guarantee.

Feel free to contact me with any questions:

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I wish you the best of success at the tables,

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Jerry Patterson (AKA Long Arm)